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Greetings from Melissa Ugolini, dancer from Pesaro who works in Stockholm and Munich

We are often asked about artists who have been guests of Hangartfest during the past editions. The most recurring questions are obviously "where is she/he now?", "What is she/he doing?", But also "when will she/he be back to the Festival?". We have therefore decided to start this column - which we call Greetings from -, in which we will publish short news and photos of dancers and choreographers, Italian or foreigners, who we had the pleasure of meeting at Hangartfest and who are now around the world.

Let's start by publishing the postcard from Melissa Ugolini, who we hosted for the first time in 2018 with the show One by one, together with the Turkish dancer Evri Aykay, and who at this moment divides her life between Sweden and Germany.

Melissa: «In Stockholm I was involved in the new project of the Swedish company Art of Spectra entitled RUM 444: a short film currently in post-production that will be released soon. A beautiful experience that marks the beginning of a new collaboration with the company. Also in Munich, given the permanent state of health emergency, it was a question of having to shoot a video version of the Touch creation, produced by the Münchner Kammerspiele theater and directed by Falk Richter and choreographer Anouk Van Dijk, which we created and staged from the summer of 2020 until the closing of the theaters ".

In the photo above Melissa in Munich, on October 31, 2020, during the Menschenkette für Kulturbetrieb event, with which the city's live entertainment artists formed a human chain (respecting the distancing) that united all the theaters in Munich , trying to make the world of show business workers visible to the authorities, following the German government's decision to close all theaters.

In the photo below, the footage of Touch for the online version.


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