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privacy disclaimer

European regulation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation no. 2016/679), also known as "GDPR"


Data protection is of fundamental importance for HANGARTFEST and we want to guarantee maximum openness and transparency regarding the processing of your personal data. For this reason, this document illustrates how your personal data is processed and protected.




HANGARTFEST collects and processes your data for the following purposes:


  1. Upon your registration, send newsletters containing information about our activity and scheduled events as well as the activities of other HANGARTFEST partner subjects, operating in the same sector, to whom, however, your data will NOT be communicated / transferred.

  2. Collect reservations and / or purchase tickets for scheduled events, such as shows, conferences, internships, seminars, workshops and the like.

  3. Collect applications to be creative, Young Up Platform! and any other Invitation or Call that is or will be published on the website .

  4. Collect adhesions to the Explorer project and to other actions that HANGARTFEST implements with the aim of realizing its spectator awareness program and training of the young audience.

  5. Find out about the preferences of your audience and those who follow the Association's activities.

  6. Respond to your requests for information received via electronic form on the "Contacts" page of the website .


If HANGARTFEST intends to further process your personal data for a purpose other than that for which it was collected, before this further processing it will provide you with information regarding this different purpose, requesting your consent.




The Owner and Manager of the treatment is HANGARTFEST non-profit cultural association with registered office in Via Amilcare Ponchielli, 87 - 61122 Pesaro (PU), VAT number and Tax Code 02458750417.




The data collected and processed by the Data Controller and the Data Processor are personal data of the Subscribers, i.e. information through which a subject can be identified as a natural person (for example: name, surname, date of birth, residence, domicile, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) and may include other "non-mandatory" fields such as a rating of the events proposed by the festival, information on how we learned about the activities, degree of education, etc.


In the case of Newsletter (Purpose 1) only name, surname and e-mail are required.


In the case of applications for Tenders and Invitations (Purposes 3 and 4) promoted by the Association, information is also required regarding the submitted project, name, surname and curriculum of other subjects involved (choreographers, co-authors, interpreters, etc.) , images, links to videos and anything else useful for the artistic and qualitative evaluation of the proposal presented. In this case, the candidate, who takes care of filling and sending the digital form, must inform and possess the consent of the members of the team participating in the Call.


In the case of Calls and Invitations (Purposes 3 and 4) in collaboration with other festival partner subjects, for which an external Committee for evaluation is envisaged, the data collected is also provided to these third parties for the exclusive purposes of evaluation and selection of participating candidates.




In the case of filling in the "non-mandatory" fields such as: approval rating of the events proposed by the festival, information on how the activities were learned, etc. the data will be recorded and processed by the Association's authorized personnel (therefore not automated profiling systems) to get to know the festival audience and those who follow the planned activities better, in order to be able to offer initiatives that are more responsive to their tastes.




CONFERENCE NEEDED. The provision of data (including the completion of the e-mail field) is necessary, in the cases listed below, to allow you to:


  • book and / or purchase tickets for scheduled events (Purpose 2);

  • participate in Calls, Invitations or Projects promoted by the Association (Purpose 3 and 4);

  • be contacted in the event of a request for information via the "Contacts" page of the website (Purpose 6).


Failure to release them will make it impossible to use the services and / or advantages mentioned above.


If the communication of personal data is a legal or contractual obligation or a necessary requirement for the conclusion of a contract, you are obliged to provide such data and take responsibility for any consequences in the event of failure to communicate them.


OPTIONAL CONFERENCE. As for the "non-mandatory" fields, the provision of these optional data is completely free and does not affect the use of the services and / or advantages mentioned above.




The data will be processed in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, correctness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the Regulation.


As part of its activity and for the purposes indicated above, HANGARTFEST uses both paper forms and IT services for the collection, storage and management of data. In particular, for IT services, it uses the following platforms based outside the European Union:


  • MailChimp for sending newsletters. The use of this platform provides for the storage of the data archive (name, surname and email), management and tracking for statistical purposes.

  • JotForm for the collection and storage of all the data listed above in points 2 to 5, by filling in digital forms, published and / or available on the website .


In any case, the processing takes place in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data, by adopting the measures provided for by article 32 of the Regulation in order to preserve the integrity of the data processed and prevent access to the same by the of unauthorized parties.




The data will be processed for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected for the purposes referred to in points 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


In the case of the purpose described in point 1 (subscription to the newsletter), the data will be kept until canceled by you, which can take place at any time.




We remind you that the rights referred to in articles 15 to 22 of the Regulation are recognized. At any time, you can ask HANGARTFEST by sending an email to to:

  • receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data, know the purposes of the processing or their area of ​​circulation and access their content;

  • know the retention period of personal data;

  • update, modify and / or correct your personal data including the right to request the completion of incomplete personal data;

  • request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law or limitation of processing, except for legal obligations, the cases provided for by the accounting rules and in the case of ascertainment, exercise or defense of a right in judicial office;

  • oppose the processing for legitimate reasons. HANGARTFEST will not continue to process personal data unless it is able to demonstrate a legitimate basis for the processing, which prevails over the interests and rights of the user or for legal reasons;

  • withdraw consent, where given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation;

  • receive a copy of the data you have provided and request that these data be transmitted to another data controller.


With regard to the Newsletter, it is always possible to withdraw consent through a link integrated in the email, with the "unsubscribe" option, or by writing to .


Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial appeal, if you find a violation of the Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR.




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