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Tratti in Movimento, the winning project of the Refresh call, is online!
Suggestive fusions of artistic languages ​​with the encounter between visual art and dance

The audience awareness program conceived by Hangartfest, a contemporary dance festival supported by MIBACT, the Marche Region and the Municipality of Pesaro, ended with the publication of an online exhibition and its digital catalog, Tratti in Movimento. The project, carried out in collaboration with ISIA Urbino, AMAT and Proartis, was among the winners of the REFRESH! The show of the Marches for the New Generations by the Consorzio Marche Spettacolo and involved the students of the three-year courses, Publishing and Illustration of the ISIA of Urbino with the aim of bringing them closer to theater and, in particular, to contemporary dance through a path made up of visions of shows and in-depth meetings by dance experts. The suggestions captured by the students, while watching the performances, were then elaborated by them and returned in the form of illustrations, as well as, in fact, of moving features. The project, which is part of the broader activity that Hangartfest addresses to raising awareness among spectators, demonstrates how the latter is more effective if linked to the interests of the recipients.

"We found the perfect interlocutors in the ISIA students - says Antonio Cioffi, artistic director of Hangartfest - who intercepted points of contact between the pictorial or graphic stroke with the movement of the dancer on stage."

Partners of this initiative are also AMAT, which shares the commitment in training experimentation around the performing arts, with the task of enriching the path with ideas and visions, and Proartis with the role of support on the operational level.

"Unfortunately, the arrival of the pandemic - continues Cioffi - put the project at serious risk. The shows identified were canceled one after the other, which is why we had to combine the performances in person with online viewing and remote in-depth meetings. "

However, the students were able to attend live between September and October, during the respite granted by the health emergency, to the show Homing by Marta Bevilacqua, staged at the Teatro Maddalena in the context of Hangartfest and to two performances by Rosita Mariani in Fermignano and Peglio, thanks to the collaboration with the Indipendance Association. "I left freedom in the choice and enjoyment of the shows - says the curator of the meetings Gloria De Angeli, doctor in Theater Disciplines and Danzaeducatrice - and I asked that the works produced be dictated by emotions and personal interpretations. The result was the transposition of the performance, in its essence, into a different expressive code, giving rise to new meanings. "

«In light of the uncertain context that has accompanied us - says Claudia Riccardi, coordinator of the project - the results are impressive. The merit is above all of the enthusiasm with which the students welcomed our proposals, under the guidance of the director of ISIA Urbino Jonathan Pierini. "

The online exhibition and its digital catalog are visible and downloadable on the website, also designed and created by ISIA students,


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