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MOVING TRUST three-movement workshop led by Masako Matsushita

Moving Trust is a workshop led by Masako Matsushita and based on three-dimensional movement that explores the technical and creative potential of participants. Practicing collective body trust through rediscovering movement.

The workshop focuses on the intersection of three crucial skills: collaborative physical engagement, development of individual and collective confidence, and creative interpretation. Beginning with a warm-up, the class continues with activities that explore the following elements: creativity, partnership, body awareness in space, visual perception, use of focus, use of weight and its transfer into the body, individual and group work, guided improvisation, collaboration, flexibility, breathing, trust and listening.

The workshop draws on the generative tools of dance language: a practice based on the integrity of movement and the anatomical functions of the body intrinsically connected to individual emotional content.

The three appointments will be held at the Maddalena on the following days:

  • Sunday, 12 May, 10 a.m.

  • Sunday, 2 June, 10 a.m.

  • Sunday, 21 July, 10 a.m.

Enrollment through the online form.


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