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Greetings from Matteo Marfoglia ...and his cat in Cardiff

Hello everyone… This is a postcard from me, Matteo Marfoglia, coming all the way from Cardiff in Wales. I have just come back to Cardiff after being 3 weeks in Pesaro (Italy), my hometown, visiting family and friends after almost two years of being away from one another. It is also the longest I have been away from Cardiff, now my home, for a while and reminded me how much I used to travel as part of my work, and how much that became part of me; meeting new people; discovering new places; feeling new sensations; and filling me with inspirations. Yes, that has been a part of me, and it is a part of me which I have missed and still missing. I am still in the journey to find how to bring that back or replace it, due to the current circumstances we live in.

It has been so important to be back in Pesaro and see people which I know from a lifetime, being soaked by the beauty of the landscape and medieval towns of the surrounding area, smell and taste the adriatic sea, daily. It has been re-charging and grounding.

It is good to be back home in Cardiff and slowly coming back to a rhythm, as well as being reunited with our cat after she has also been on holiday (in a cattery) for 3 weeks and she is happy to be back sleeping in her favourite place (our bed).

This month is a slow but intense month at the same time, as there is a lot of planning to do but not very much activities. So it requires a lot of my energy in writing, scheduling my calendar, planning, budgeting, to make sure everything is ready for the year ahead to come. I am planning one of the biggest projects I have ever had to work on in a lead artist capacity. It is a 9 months artistic process working together with a community in a place called Penrhys which is in the South Walian valley, precisely called Rhondda Cynnon Taff. It is hosted by National Dance Company Wales and supported by a range of 10 other partners from different sectors, guided by the work of a range of artists together with community members to discover their dreams, hopes and needs.

It is something new for me but it feels good!

In the hope I will create more visits back to Pesaro soon I am saying to you 'Bye for Now!’ and I must make my way back to the Garden, which is our only outdoor place we can access at the moment, as we are still in quarantine! Three days TO GO!!

Love from Me

Matteo xxx


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