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Hangartfest 2023: the programme of the 20th edition, under the sign of continuity and renewal

The press conference for the presentation of the 20th edition of Hangartfest, a contemporary dance festival supported by the MiC, the Marche Region and the Municipality of Pesaro and realised with the contribution of the CMS Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Pesaro and the Israeli Embassy in Rome, was held in the prestigious Sala dello Zodiaco of the Biblioteca Oliveriana in Pesaro. The event was attended by Daniele Vimini, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Beauty of the Municipality of Pesaro, and Andrea Biancani, Vice President of the Marche Region Council.

For its 20th birthday, the Festival presents from 25 August to 16 September 2023 a full calendar of 22 events, 18 performances, 5 co-productions, 4 debuts and various side events, including meetings, workshops and multimedia installations.

Characterising the programme of this edition is the dialogue between dance and music, often performed live, the concentration of events and their location in some of the city's most important historical and artistic venues.

<Due in part to the temporary closure of the Teatro Maddalena, as a consequence of the damage caused by last November's earthquake - introduces Antonio Cioffi, artistic director of Hangartfest - we came up with the idea of realising a festival spread throughout the territory that anticipates the spirit of the 'mobile nature' of culture, a concept promoted by Pesaro, Italian Capital of Culture 2024>.

In taking the floor Daniele Vimini emphasised that <the elements are all there for an edition that lives up to the round number, capable of valorising, through contemporary dance, places pulsating with creativity in the territory and of intercepting flows and channels of public that feed a continuous exchange between the local and international spheres. These are among the characteristics that make Hangartfest one of the main and most recognisable interpreters of the Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024 project>.

Andrea Biancani remarked on the Festival's <capacity to engage in dialogue, to involve and bring nationally and internationally renowned speakers to Pesaro, to our city, an aspect that validates the recognition Hangartfest has received from the Ministry>.

Also speaking at the speakers' table were Brunella Paolini, Director of the Ente Olivieri, Ilaria Ciaroni, representing the CMS Consorzio Marche Spettacolo, Linda Montaccini, teacher at the Liceo Coreutico G. Marconi, Gloria De Angeli, assistant artistic director of Hangartfest, Masako Matsushita, choreographer and performer and curator of the project Giaro in luce and Paolo Paggi, visual artist and curator of the project Mossi da Visioni 2.


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