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Interfaccia Digitale Award 2021: the 30 candidates selected by the Interdisciplinary Jury

30 candidates have been selected by the Interdisciplinary Jury, composed of Daniele De Angelis (choreographer, videomaker), Masako Matsushita (choreographer, performer), Paolo Paggi (curator, visual artist), Jonathan Pierini (graphic designer, director of ISIA Urbino), Stefano Salimbeni (videomaker, teacher at the Laboratory of Audiovisual Languages ​​at the University of Urbino), Edoardo Serretti (visual artist, photographer).

These are the names of the 30 candidates (in alphabetical order), with the titles of their works:

Francesca ARCURI / "Neve". Elogio al Silenzio

Silvia AUTORINO / Il costume di Valdrada

Valeria BORRELLI / Ater Nimbus (Precettare il tempo NO)

Burim CERLOJ / Mauvais Rêve

Giulia CERMELLI / After

Gastone CLEMENTI / Again

Gemma CROWE / Near/Far

Angelo EGARESE / If we can change

Loredana FURNO / u m a n u d i t à

Emanuele GIORGETTI / Maelström

Nicolò GIORGINI / Walking and Falling


Samar KHORWASH / Zeroth

Iole LA SALA / I lost my key

Luigi LINARDI / The event horizon

Alexandre MANUEL / Fraintendimenti

Laura MUSONE / All my relations

Niyayesh NAHAVANDY / Ho scavato una luna nel mio giardino

Antonella PELLEGRINI / C'est à toi

Ersilia Patrizia PICCOLOMINI / Parole negate

Gianluca POSSIDENTE / 37,5

Florenzia Emilia RAMÓN / Ftalo/Naranja

Dario RIGAGLIA / The power of Slowness

Pablo Ezequiel RIZZO / Alce

Filomena RUSCIANO / Velarium

Elena SGARBOSSA / Indizio n. 36

Alessandra SORRENTINO / Internal Freeze

Claudia TOTO / 2021 Odissea del concettuale

Bianca Serena TRUZZI / I sent you a letter

Natalia VALLEBONA / The ranch is empty

Now it's up to the Jury of Critics and Scholars to extract the 20 videos from the thirty listed above. The results will be published on October 20.

In the meantime, we send our best wishes to the candidates !


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