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Interfaccia Digitale Award: the candidates promoted by the Jury of Critics and Scholars

Twenty-three candidates are promoted by the Jury of Critics and Scholars listed below in alphabetical order:

Silvia AUTORINO / Il costume di Valdrada

Burim CERLOJ / Mauvais Rêve

Gemma CROWE (All Bodies Dance Project) / Near/Far

Angelo EGARESE / If we can change

Loredana FURNO / u m a n u d i t à

Emanuele GIORGETTI / Maelström

Nicolò GIORGINI / Walking and Falling


Samar KHORWASH / Zeroth

Iole LA SALA / I lost my key

Luigi LINARDI / The event horizon

Laura MUSONE / All my relations

Niyayesh NAHAVANDY / Ho scavato una luna nel mio giardino

Antonella PELLEGRINI / C'est à toi

Ersilia Patrizia PICCOLOMINI / Parole negate

Gianluca POSSIDENTE / 37,5

Florenzia Emilia RAMÓN / Ftalo/Naranja

Dario RIGAGLIA / The power of Slowness

Elena SGARBOSSA / Indizio n. 36

Alessandra SORRENTINO / Internal Freeze

Claudia TOTO / 2021 Odissea del concettuale

Bianca Serena TRUZZI / I sent you a letter

Natalia VALLEBONA / The ranch is empty

The videos will be screened at the Maddalena Theater on 25 October, at 21:00, with repeats on 26 and 27 October, in the presence of the audience and the Spectators Jury, who will proceed to the third and final evaluation of the works for the selection of the finalists who will be announced on 28 October 2021.

Admission to the screenings is free, upon online booking on EVENTBRITE.


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