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Open Call to participate to Interfaccia Digitale Award 2022

Hangartfest invites choreographers, performers, visual artists and video makers to present video dance works at the Interfaccia Digitale Award 2022 which will be held in Pesaro as part of Video Box context.

The Call aims to support the production of new video dance works, sharing the production costs of new works; to encourage creativity through the use of digital media and to create the conditions for cultural growth based on interdisciplinary artistic exchanges.

Applications must be received by 31st August 2022.

Video dance works of any format are allowed, lasting a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 8 minutes, credits excluded.

Three Juries are called to select the videos in competition: the Interdisciplinary Jury (made up of video makers, directors, photographers, choreographers and visual artists); the Jury of Dance Critics and Scholars and the Jury of the Audience.

The names of the members of the Juries are made public at the end of the call.

The criteria on which the jurors are called to express themselves are four:

  1. creative originality;

  2. correspondence between concept, script and direction;

  3. shooting quality;

  4. interaction between artistic languages ​​and dance (in its broadest sense of the term).

Participation takes place by sending the online application form:

Download the call:


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