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VIDEOBOX the video-dance festival is starting at the Cinema Astra in Pesaro from 24 to 27 November

The festival organized by Hangartfest entitled VIDEOBOX, dedicated to video dance, is scheduled from 24 to 27 November 2022 at the Cinema Astra in Pesaro, which sees the participation of young Italian and foreign authors, mostly unpublished shorts, together with works by authors already established on the international scene. In addition to original videos, the festival includes a series of documentaries and films, a critical laboratory and talks with some authors present at the festival.

In particular the short films dedicated to Alessandra Ferri / L'Heure Exquise Stories, by Francesca Pedroni, dance critic, director and filmmaker, as well as an entire section entitled Pina <yesterday and today> dedicated to Pina Bausch, in collaboration with PRODES dance, ZED Festival, CRO.ME and CLASSICA HD and the screening of the film Elegia delle cose perdute, by Stefano Mazzotta produced by Zerogrammi.

In terms of independent authors, VIDEOBOX offers a selection of shorts from previous editions of the Interfaccia Digitale Award 2020-2021, as well as a series of videos from Argentina that are part of the Corpi a Rischio project by Claudio Gasparotto, the Short Works of the young videomaker Ukrainian Kateryna Kovalchuk and Tribale, by Pesaro choreographer Melissa Ugolini, produced by Hangartfest in 2022 for the Giaro in Luce project.

The Interfaccia Digitale Award closes the festival, with the out-of-competition screening of the video Gravity by Luigi Linardi, winner of the last edition, the screening of the 10 finalist videos in the competition, with the nomination of the winner of the 2022 Award and the assignment of mentions special by the three juries: the Interdisciplinary Jury, the Jury of Critics and Scholars and the Jury of Spectators. The Award is chaired by Giulio Stasi, director of theater and performing arts, videomaker. The objectives of the Award are to support the production of new video dance works, to promote the use of contemporary expressive languages ​​conveyed through video and to facilitate interaction between artistic languages ​​from different fields. The Award is held in collaboration with IL CINEMINO Milano and ISIA Urbino.

Entrance is free, subject to availability.


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